Holistic Metaphysician

ntegrative counseling, organic approach toward recovery from PTSD, Trauma, Anxiety, Burnout, Depression, Life Transitions, Relationships, Self-Esteem, and Stress Reduction Holistic Counseling and support for Women and the LGBTQI+ Community


PRIMARY LOCATION: Essex Middlesex County, CT USA

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Relationship Rescue

A check list is just that, a way to maintain structure and balance in an area you wish to improve. These are a list of simple dynamics that can begin to sooth aspects of any relationship, especially the most important one of all- the relationship with self.



Affirmation: I am healing, peaceful, abundant, and radiant. I am a loving person who deserves the very best every single day.


~ Rev. Coyote Moon Ph.D.

Would You Treat Them Differently?

If you knew a strangers personal story would you treat them differently? Often times we're quick to judge or be impatient because we're in a rush, self-involved, or even dismissive that others' might have their own story going on.


I can't count how many times clients have hinted at the fact that the world feels cruel, or unforgiving. My response is always the same, stating that we need to be cognizant of the fact that we're all in this together. What that literally means is that we're all on earth in this lifetime working towards goals, trying to attain growth in ways that we deem fit. But the truth is that we need to consider that the slightest gesture can create a huge impact in people's lives. 


We've all probably heard of the term, "Pay it forward." This speaks volumes in regard to the impact, or energetic emanations we create. Let's say in your hurried morning heading to work you pause for a brief second to let a car into your lane. What about holding a door open for another, or simply offering a gracious smile, or knowing nod to honor the existence of another sojourner seemingly travelling on a somewhat parallel course as you?


I feel strongly and have repeatedly been justified in my belief system that these gestures create a momentary shift or elated feeling for individuals who choose to acknowledge gratitude and therefore go on to reciprocate the state of grace. In some ways, it's minimal and in others, far more of an impact.


In my work doing service to those in need, frankly, it feels like an honor. For instance, if I'm speaking with a woman who is riddled with anger and I'm able to assist by holding a space for the process to draw upon truth and forgiveness this holds tremendous possibilities. Let's say she heads home to her family and a child is acting up. Now that she's decided to trust in her own personal power and myself, her child will not have to face misguided anger. That child now can learn by moms example that there's a better way to flow. 


In life, it's a true celebration to look for hidden truth and deeper meaning in the signs presented throughout each day. It's about paying attention, being mindful, and recognizing that loving yourself provides the offering of unconditional love to be given outward. Maintaining this balance creates a positive cycle that has the natural response through cause and effect.


We might respond by stating, "Well, that's great. If only I had the time, or in a perfect world." The quote from Ralph Emerson Waldo comes to mind, "~The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." This speaks volumes because it implies choice. Through difficult times and in joy we always have choices. Yes, it's true. If you were harmed in some terrible way by another, my response would still be the same. Not because I'm uncaring, far from it. It's because even if someone invaded our rights, body, thoughts etc., we can still choose what we do with it thereafter. We can choose the high road, we can choose a form of healing, or we can, (dependent  on the circumstance), with time, choose to be an inspiration through it all.


'Interestingly, Socrates is famous for arguing that we must know Thyself to be wise, that the unexamined life is not worth living." It is a cruel irony that Socrates was condemned to death for corrupting youth. (for educating them to Philosophy and arguing that people are ignorant of the Truth.)


'Plato who wrote, 'The Apology,' was a beautiful writer (and one of the greatest Philosophers). His account of Socrates on Trial provides quite an eloquent and tragic description of the Last Days of Socrates, which is still very relevant to our post-modern democratic society. Most significantly, it demonstrates the 'stubborn' that society displays towards those who choose to question the customs and beliefs of their time (as any good philosopher must).  This attitude is still very much alive today.' (~Aristotle, Metaphysics, 340 BC)


This history is raised for what seems the obvious point about being true, and daring to not subscribe to limited beliefs. We all need to be questioning aspects of life that don't appear to be apparent, regardless of some who choose another path. The question then becomes, how do we discern truth? First, it lives in our hearts. It's usually the simpler path, regardless of what our egos might argue. I've always claimed that I choose to lead a simple life. This doesn't mean that I don't process, or evaluate options. It doesn't mean I'm not intelligent, or I'm lazy. It simply indicates that my decision are based on serving the highest good. When life get's complicated, it's usually an indicator we've strayed from our highest purpose. By complicated, what's meant is more about entanglements, mistrust, second guessing, and co-mingling with those we don't feel aligned, share beliefs or identify to a sense of chaos. 


Asking the reader, 'Would you treat them differently," beckons the deeper question, "How do you wish to be treated?" This suggests that karma plays a significant role in terms of energetically sending forth a vibration that respects self; therefore, holds others in the same light. To suggest that we're all perfect might seem like a leap, yet might it be easier to ascertain the concept that where we' are at is exactly where we need to be. We can be joyful, warm and kind and this is perfect. We can also be hurt, wounded, sad, angry, or even appear horrid, yet this is perfection in the bigger picture when we continue to remind ourselves that we have free will and make choices.


Conceptually it's necessary to go big picture to gain a higher perspective. Also, it's important to remember the lessons learned and the ability to find our voice and a path toward recovery is essential to living our higher purpose. We learn through pain and joy. What we forget is that when we are feeling level, those moments are often the right time to pause and do some self-discovery and grow while we're not in duress. If not, a source of stress or angst will hopefully alert you that you deserve something better and can re-claim balance and attain peace once more, ~Namaste, Coyote




Rev. Coyote Moon Ph.D.

Holistic Health Care Facts and Statistics

Brief Synopsis: The World Health Organization estimates 65 - 80 percent of the population use holistic naturopathic medicine as a primary form of health care.

Detail: The Baby boomers-those born 1946 through 1964-are the largest population to require health care than ever before.

Medical practitioners and pharmaceutical companies are focusing on what pills, potions or surgeries the baby boomers-turned seniors will be likely to use in the next 30 - 40 years. Ironically, the majority of people tend to be concerned about their health after something major has occurred.  The truth is if we consistently take good care of our health the aging process has little impact.

Baby boomers are voicing their concerns about better health, more than prior generations. However, many do not know where to find information and options, other than Traditional Western Medicine (TWM).

Few people research the plethora of side effects for prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs-not to mention that prescription and OTC drugs are formulated to take over and hijack your body's biochemistry. Prescription and OTC drugs force blood pressure to be lower/higher or force the liver to stop manufacturing healthy cholesterol. In fact, prescription or OTC drugs interfere with normal human metabolism, and that is one reason why prescription drugs are killing people. Yet, conventional medical doctors rely on propaganda about the unknown side effects of holistic health care to convince people that only prescription or OTC drugs are safe. It is NOT that they are terrified about the side effects of holistic health care-they are terrified of people being well and they won't have their business of prescribing life-long pills and potions. Western Medicine is profit driven.

If everyone knew they could prevent any disease with plant extracts, medicinal herbs, natural vitamins, minerals, and supplements, as well as having peace of mind-the pharmaceutical and medical industry would collapse overnight.

Holistic, Metaphysical, Energy or Mind, Body, Spirit healing has existed since the beginning of time amid religious beliefs and practices, along with the mystery, superstition, fear, and misunderstanding. Holistic Healing is now becoming recognized regardless of what anyone chooses to believe or think.

Holistic health care practices include:

Every community has resources:

The Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 284 July 26, 2000, published an article documenting the tragedy of Traditional Western Medicine (TWM) paradigm. The author, Dr. Barbara Starfield of Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health describes how the U.S. health care system may contribute to poor health. Doctors, she stated, are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., causing 250,000 deaths every year.

This information is a follow-up to the Institute of Medicine report December, 1999, but the data was hard to reference as it was not in peer-reviewed journal. Now it is published in JAMA which is the most widely circulated medical periodical in the world.


250,000 deaths per year from iatrogenic--death induced in a patient by a physician's activity, manner, or therapy, especially of a complication of treatment causes--is outrageous!! Yet, the majority of people continue to trust the medical profession to 'cure' them, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.

Of 13 countries in a recent comparison, the United States ranks an average of 12th (second from the bottom) for 16 available health indicators.

The ranking of the U.S. on several indicators was:

Reference: Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life



Posted by: Rev. Coyote Moon Ph.D.